This web page was produced as an assignment for Genetics 677, an undergraduate course at UW-Madison

Homologs of Homo sapiens SMN1

Homologs and their identity to homo sapiens SMN1 were discovered using the homologene program. 

1. SMN1,  Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee)
survival of motor neuron 1, telomeric
Accession Number: XP_001156488.1

2. SMN,  Canis lupus familiaris (Dog)
survival motor neuron
Accession Number: NP_001003226.1

3. SMN,  Bos taurus (Cow)
survival motor neuron
Accession Number: NP_783632.1

4. Smn1,  Mus musculus (Mouse)
survival motor neuron 1
Accession Number: NP_035550.1

5. Smn1,  Rattus norvegicus (Rat)
survival motor neuron 1
Accession Number: NP_071954.1

6. SMN,  Gallus gallus (Rooster)
survival motor neuron
Accession Number: NP_989530.1

7. smn1,  Danio rerio (Zebrafish)
survival motor neuron 1
Accession Number: NP_571266.1

Percent Identity:
DNA: 99.4

DNA: 90.8
Protein: 89.4

DNA: 88.2
Protein: 85.2

DNA: 83.5
Protein: 83.3

DNA: 82.1
Protein: 81.2

DNA: 67.1
Protein: 64.8

DNA: 61.2
Protein: 59.0


Homologs were discovered for many other mammals as well as in the rooster and zebrafish.  I am somewhat surprised to discover this homolog in zebrafish.  It is plausible that it exists in other mammals with simliar nervous systems.  It was interesting to learn that the DNA and protein have different percent identities to the SMN1 gene in humans.  The DNA was more similar than the protein In every species that I have data for except the chimpanzee.  However, the differences are very slight in all species.

I found the homologene program to be very easy to use.  It was simple to search as well as to find a wealth of information as well as links to other outside information.  FASTA formats and different types of data interpretation were very useful.  This site will be a good resource for many other projects.

1. NCBI (2008) Pairwise Alignment Scores. retrieved Feb 25 2009 from:

William Baader
[email protected]
Feb 25 2009